1st June, Week 6, Term 2
From Our Principal - Mr Brendan Moloney
Dear Families,
This week we recognise Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for National Reconciliation Week are the same each year; 27 May to 3 June.
These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
We look forward to our community activities for NAIDOC Week later this term. Details will be communicated to you once they are confirmed, we would love for you to join us.
P&F Meeting
Our next P&F Meeting is set for Tuesday 6th at 2.15pm, we hope you are able to join us as we continue to work together to support student learning.
We continue our focus on attendance, we have noted a small improvement so far but we want to continue to improve. We have set the goal of achieving 85% attendance for Term 2, we have some work to do to achieve this. If successful we will be having a school celebration to acknowledge this achievement. Students are provided with updates each week.
School Photos
A reminder that School Photos will be taken on Monday, don’t forget to get your order envelopes in. We also ask that families ensure that all students are in their full school uniform.
School Photos - Monday 5th June
Please return the envelopes prior to the day.
Pupil Free Day
Our next Pupil Free Day is set for Friday the 9th of June (next week) with staff undertaking professional learning. The focus on Friday is Student Attendance and how we as a school staff can support, but also to review and refine our processes around attendance.
Our OSHC service will be available for families should they require it on this day.
Lunch Packs
Our Lunch Pack initiative is now in place with a number of families accesing this option. The aim of providing the Lunch Packs is to support families with the busyness of home life. On those mornings when you wake up and find you have run out of bread, there is an option for you. The packs will contain a sandwich, piece of fruit, popper and some home cooking. These will be able to be ordered online via COMPASS or orders placed at the office in the morning. Packs will be available for $5. These are available on non-canteen days.
God Bless,
Brendan Moloney
Student Awards Week 5
Kinder - AJ Skinner, how well he has transitioned back to St Joseph's.
Stage 1 - Jack Painter, putting his new learning nto practice during Walker Learning.
Stage 1 - Oscar Hippi, fantastic engagement in all learning tasks this week.
Stage 2- Izabell Stevens, improved attitude to completing tasks independently.
Stage 2- Taylor Williams, demonstrating persistence and growth in reading.
Stage 3- Maddy Eastwood, giving 100% effort to her school work.
Stage 3- Baylee Chamberlain, having a positive attitude in the classroom and on the playground
Principals Award- Paige Gollan, wonderful writing and effort in all areas.
Mission News
Save the Date: Sacrament of Confirmation Monday June 26th 6:00pm
Early Stage 1/Stage 1 Town Visit
Yesterday, ES1/S1 went on a Coraki Town Visit, first stop was the Coraki Museum to look at old photos of Coraki's main street before walking to the main drag. Students then observed and recorded the changes to the main street.
Activities included an Autumn Bug Study, Games and discussing how the First Nations People used the river for transport and the kind of technology used for hunting, fishing etc.
The afternoon was finished off with a sausage sizzle in the park before walking back to school.
Sports News
Athletics Carnival Friday 23rd June, Alstonville
We are excited to once again be joining St Joey's Alstonville staff and students for our 2023 Athletics Carnival which will be held on Friday, 23rd June (Week 9) at Geoff Watt Oval in Alstonville. If weather on the day is unsuitable, we will use our back up date of Tuesday, 27th June (T2, Wk10). |
Throughout the day our students will compete with St Joseph's Alstonville, however they won't be competing against the students from Alstonville. Places, ribbons and Age Championship points will be awarded to our students and we will select our squad for zone based on our own results. We will require students to nominate to compete in competitive events (aiming for selection to participate at Zone level) or non-competitive (competing for house points only) for the 800m, Long Jump and Shot Put events. All students will participate in the 100m and 200m sprints. Teachers will give students the chance to nominate in the next few weeks. A consent form will be sent home, this can also be completed through the compass app, cost is $10.00 per student. |
Library days are Mondays - K12 and S3 and Wednesdays S2
We have books on Australian animals and also Inventions and Manufacturing on display.
Author of the week is Jackie French
General Business
Happy Birthday to the following who have celebrated their birthday since our last newsletter:
Angel-Jayne O'Rourke
Service NSW Back to School Vouchers expire 30th June 2023.
If you are yet to apply for yours, please contact the office for assistance.
Each student is eligable for $150.00 in vouchers and these can be used towards Uniform or School Camp expenses.
Congratulations to Angel Jayne O'Rourke whose water colour art piece " Houses Near The River" has been selected as a finalist in the 2023 University of New England School Acquisitive Art Prize. Angel's art piece was selected from more than 500 entries from 50 schools.Angel's art piece will now be professionally photographed and framed prior to being displayed at the New England Regional Art Museum until the 13th of August. Well done Angel.
Save the Date Term 2 Events:
Monday 5th June - School Photos
Tuesday 6th June - 2:15pm P&F Meeting, all are welcome to attend
Friday 9th June - Pupil Free Day
Monday 12th June - King's Birthday (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 21st June- Information Day for new enrolments
NAIDOC Celebrations
Friday 23rd June- Athletics Carnival, Alstonville
Monday 26th June - Sacrament of Confirmation 6:00pm (Evans Head)
Friday 30th June - End of Term 2